Equipment of the LCAM-FNWI can only be booked by trained users that have followed the intake procedure and trainings (see New users). The booking scheme is displayed in webcalenders, each specific for one instrument. This reservation system allows us to stay in touch with all our users and to notify you in case of problems or new installations. Please do not forget to contact us when you want to cancel a reservation.
How to sign-up a microscope:
Go to the webcalender of your preferred microscope to validate if there is time available for your experiment. For reservation of the microscope send an email to Typically at the Thursday in the week before, your microscope booking will be added by our technician Ronald Breedijk and announced via the webcalenders below. In case you decide last-minute that you would like to have a microscopy session and your favourite microscope has not been booked contact Ronald Breedijk ( personally. However the last option is not the standard method of booking.
First time users should contact Mark Hink ( to discuss the new project and select the most appropriate microscope (see New users section). After passing the course & exam a personal training session will be arranged at the specific microscope, since only trained users are allowed to work with the microscopes.
LCAM microscope webcalenders ordered per room:
- Nikon Cell observer (A2.34)
- Nikon A1 confocal microscope (A2.34)
- Zeiss Cell Observer (A2.34)
- Zeiss Axioplan upright microscope (A2.34)
- Leica STED microscope (A2.34)
- Bioluminescence setup – Plant Pathology group (A2.34) – no calender
- Leica SP8 confocal microscope (A2.40)
- Leica Stellaris confocal microscope (A2.40)
- Zeiss LSM 510 confocal microscope (A2.40)
- Leica Stereomicroscope (A2.40)
- Olympus/Picoquant FLCCS microscope (A2.42)
- Andor spinning disk microscope (A2.42)
- Leica SP8-AMC microscope (A2.42)
Data analysis computers: