For a complete and detailed description of all LCAM microscopy courses: Visit
LCAM-FNWI Confocal training day (every 2-3 months, next: Apr 9th 2025)
LCAM organizes on a regular basis a 1-day course for new LCAM users who are interested in applying fluorescence microscopy in their research. The course is compulsory for those who are going to use the equipment of the LCAM. The ‘Confocal training day” continues at the level users should have after finishing the online microscopy self-study course MyScope, summarizing the basic principles of confocal microscopy, laser safety and includes one afternoon of hands-on experience. More advanced courses might be organised focusing at a specific technique, dependent on the demand of the LCAM-users. In academic year 2023-2024 the LCAM-FNWI Confocal Training Days will be organised in 2025: Apr 9th, Jun 11th, Sep 17th & Dec 3rd.
for more info about the upcoming course contact Mark Hink (
LCAM-FNWI Basics in Fluorescence Microscopy (annual, next: Jan 2026)
A 4-day basics course for PhD students, postdocs and lab technicians in biology, biophysics and (bio)medicine. It provides detailed knowledge of the working principles of confocal and widefield fluorescence imaging, with special emphasis on experiment related issues, such as optical aberrations, photobleaching, specimen preparation and selection of the proper dye. The course integrates theoretical lectures with hands-on experiments and practical experience. Experts in the field of confocal microscopy development will give an overview of “state-of-the-art” imaging techniques in biological research.
After the course the participants will have experience in the operation of the confocal scanning light microscope and basic knowledge of the possible techniques – and hazards – for the preparation of biological specimen for microscopic analysis.
for more info about the course contact Mark Hink ( and check
LCAM Functional imaging (annual, next: Oct 2025)
This 9 day course is an intermediate level course for PhD students, postdocs and technicians in biology and biomedical science who already have experience with widefield and/or confocal fluorescence microscopy but want to extend their knowledge with the functional imaging techniques. After this course, participants will understand the principles of these methods and their limitations. In this course we will focus on functional imaging technologies that can be used in biology such as FRET, FLIM, FRAP, FCS & super-resolution microscopy. Furthermore, participants will be introduced to the latest developments in fluorescent probe & biosensor technology, sample preparation, data-analysis and data statistics. The course consists of theoretical lectures & tutorials (~50%) and hands-on experiments (~50%) at the microscope, including an image analysis session. This course runs in parallel with the 4 weeks Advanced Microscopy course for UvA master students. The teaching staff consists of experts in the field from the van Leeuwenhoek Centre of Advanced Microscopy. Participants are encouraged to discuss their specific microscopy issues or future experiments during the course.
for more info about the course contact Mark Hink ( and check
UvA bachelor and master courses (annual)
The equipment and expertise of LCAM is also used in the following regular UvA educational courses. Since 2011 a dedicated UvA masterstudy track exists: “Biomedical Sciences, track Cell Biology and Advanced Microscopy“.
– De Cel (bachelor, Sept)
– Cellulaire Oncologie (bachelor, Feb-Mar)
– Advanced Microscopy (masters, Oct)
– Biomedical Systems Biology (masters, Oct)
– Methods and Techniques in Neurobiology (Nov)
for more info about the courses visit the UvA Course catalog.